“A gentle giant with a brilliant mind and incredible foresight”- Patrick Bitature eulogises Prof. Mutebile

“We legally acquired URC land, but willingly gave it back,” Bitature’s Simba Properties speaks out on claims it was thrown off Uganda Railways land

Dr Nataliey Bitature named among Hult International Business School’s 10 notable alumni

Dear Rt. Hon. Jacob Oulanyah and Rt. Hon. Anita Among; Uganda yearns for a more pro-private sector Parliament —an open letter from businessman Patrick Bitature

Umeme reassures of more investments to drive industrialization

Umeme to pay out UGX19.8 billion in dividends after Shareholder Approval

POATE 2021 is a shot in time for Uganda’s hard-hit tourism sector

PATRICK BITATURE: A profile of one of Uganda’s foremost tourismpreneurs

Ugandans welcome Government-Total Key Oil Pipeline Agreement

COVID-19: UMEME’s half year gross profit drops by 22 percent