CID confirms commencing investigations against Kasekende, Bagyenda and Sekabira by The CEO Magazine TeamThe Big StoryJuly 5, 2020July 5, 2020 News You Need To Read To Win! Stay ahead of the curve with our exclusive business journalism! Enjoy more savings when you pay for longer periods!
BoU loses Court of Appeal UGX397bn case against Dr. Sudhir; could face lawsuit of up to UGX600 billion by Muhereza KyamuteteraThe Big StoryJune 23, 2020June 23, 2020 News You Need To Read To Win! Stay ahead of the curve with our exclusive business journalism! Enjoy more savings when you pay for longer periods!
WORLD ANTI-CORRUPTION WEEK: Where is the promised action on BoU officials implicated in multibillion irregular takeover and sale of 7 defunct banks? by CEO ReporterParliamentNovember 28, 2019November 29, 2019 News You Need To Read To Win! Stay ahead of the curve with our exclusive business journalism! Enjoy more savings when you pay for longer periods!