100 WOMEN FIXING WOMEN: Josephine Okui Ossiya, Chief Finance Officer, Bujagali Energy

Bank of Uganda Empowers Financial Institutions on 3rd Restructure for Credit Facilities

June 18 – June 25, 2021: Weekly financial markets review and outlook with Stephen Kaboyo

Mobile Money Regulation in Uganda, At Last

June 11 – June 18, 2021: Weekly financial markets review and outlook with Stephen Kaboyo

BoU moves to boost the economy, reduces lending rate to 6.5%

June 4 – June 11, 2021: Weekly financial markets review and outlook with Stephen Kaboyo

Bank Of Uganda loses appeal, ordered to pay millions to former employees

BANK OF UGANDA REPORT: Banks lent out UGX1.8 trillion in 2020 to stem lockdown effects

Why court dismissed Nzeyi case against BoU, Sudhir