Arthur Isiko (FCCA), is a seasoned banker who has spent 17 years in banking at BANK OF AFRICA’s Uganda country operation. He joined the Bank in 2003 from PricewaterhouseCoopers as an Audit Manager and rose to become the Head of Finance, a role he served in for 6 years. In April 2010, he was appointed the Bank’s Executive Director and later became Managing Director in October 2015. He holds a Bachelor of Commerce degree in Accounting from Makerere University and an MBA from the University of Warwick.
Since taking on the role, the Bank has steadily grown its total asset book by 64% from UGX 498billion in 2014 to UGX 815billion by end of 2018. There has also been a notable turn around in profitability from UGX 1billion in 2014 to double digit figures of each of the last three years with 2018 at UGX 12.6 billion.
CEO EA Magazine, caught up with Mr Isiko on a number of insights about Bank of Africa, the banking industry and several other issues.
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