Q&A: Two years of Dorothy Kisaka at KCCA— the wins, the misses, revitalizing a Covid-19 shaken Smart City strategy and why winning the trust of Kampala’s political leadership is key In August, Dorothy Kisaka, the Executive Director of the Kampala Capital City Authority (KCCA), completed two years in office. In July 2022, CEO East Africa Magazine conducted an online poll- on Twitter and LinkedIn to gauge the perceptions of mainly Kampala residents on her performance. Overall, 4,251 participants (3,604 on Twitter and 647 on LinkedIn) and out of these, 48.3% positively rated her (17.9% of respondents rated her performance as great, while 30.4% rated her performance as average). 28.2% rated her performance as poor while 24.5% said they didn't know whether she had performed poorly or greatly. Following the poll, CEO East Africa Magazine’s Executive Editor, Muhereza Kyamutetera sought out the Executive Director’s views about the poll as well her own report card on her two years to date.

For starters, what are your overall comments on the results of the snap poll versus what in your view,…

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About the Author

Muhereza Kyamutetera is the Executive Editor of CEO East Africa Magazine. I am a travel enthusiast and the Experiences & Destinations Marketing Manager at EDXTravel. Extremely Ugandaholic. Ask me about #1000Reasons2ExploreUganda and how to Take Your Place In The African Sun.