Without a doubt, Uganda is on a steady path towards creating lasting value, as we journey to first oil– Petroleum Authority of Uganda’s Ernest Rubondo If there is anybody in Uganda who knows Uganda’s oil and gas story, that person is Ernest Rubondo. Having completed his MSc in Petroleum Reservoir Geology at the Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine in London in 1990, he worked briefly with Scott Pickford Plc, a UK oil and gas consulting company and returned home to work for the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Development (MEMD) as one of the pioneers in the newly set-up Petroleum Exploration and Production Department (PEPD). For nearly 30 years, he would work in PEPD, rising to become its Commissioner between 2008 and 2014. In 2015, he was appointed Director of Petroleum in the Ministry until 2016, when he was appointed by the Board of the Petroleum Authority of Uganda as the Authority's first Executive Director. In this interview with CEO East Africa Magazine, Mr Rubondo drills deep into the Authority's first five years, that have laid a firm foundation of what he says, is a future full of great things for both the Authority and the Ugandans for whom it serves!