PENSIONS EXPERT, KWAME EJALU: Covid-19 is an exceptional crisis; NSSF cannot just look away Kwame Ejalu is the Executive Director at Zamara Actuaries, Administrators and Consultants- Uganda’s leading private pension funds administrator with a portfolio of over USD100 million under management. He is also the former Chairman of Alexander Forbes Financial Services Uganda Ltd. He has over 23 years’ experience in Uganda’s financial services, especially insurance and pensions administration. We reached out to him for his take on the current wave by a portion of NSSF members to have access to at least 20% of their savings to be able diffuse Covid-19 related challenges. In his view, he thinks that although there is need to protect the integrity of long term pension savings, Covid-19 presents a legitimate need, whose actual extent needs to be established and NSSF needs to come through for its members in one way or another.