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Parliament approves Shs1.3bn for Nodding Syndrome

The approved funds will cater for various items including allowances for health workers during outreach visits as well as training of health workers to handle cases of Nodding Syndrome. The funds will go to the districts of Gulu, Kitgum, Amuru, Pader, Lira, Oyam, Lamwo and Omoro.
Most of the children in the nodding syndrome ward at the Atanga Health Center in the Pader district in Uganda are severe cases, who first showed symptoms as early as 2002, or children who have been neglected by their parents. Staffers here treat these patients with a generic anti-convulsant drug called sodium valproate. They also provide the children and their caretakers with food | NPR


Parliament has approved supplementary budget amounting to uGX1.3 billion for emergency intervention against the Nodding Syndrome in northern Uganda.

:Last week, the Minister of State for Planning, David Bahati, tabled a motion seeking approval for government to spend the money before the new financial year.

“The aim is to respond to the situation for the next three months as considerations will be taken to include comprehensive management of the Nodding Syndrome in the 2018/2019 budget,

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