Roofings Group’s Roofings Rolling Mills eco-friendly steel plant at Namanve, on the outskirts of Kampala.
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As the world becomes more aware of the need to protect our environment, it’s important for companies to take responsibility and make eco-friendly choices. That’s why Roofings group, the leading steel and plastic manufacturing company in Uganda and East Africa, is committed to producing eco-friendly steel products, by using eco-friendly processes, systems and technology, that help protect the environment while meeting the needs of their customers.

With their newly launched vision “to be an accelerator for a sustainable Africa,” Roofings group understands that sustainability is about more than just being environmentally friendly. It’s about creating long-term value for customers, the community, and the planet at large. 

Tree seedlings by Roofings Group in support of the company’s Action Against Climate Change program. Under the program, Roofings Group is leading a reforestation agenda, to plant 20 million trees by 2030 – directly and through the donation of seedlings to partners for onward planting.
Tree seedlings by Roofings Group in support of the company’s Action Against Climate Change program. Under the program, Roofings Group is leading a reforestation agenda, to plant 20 million trees by 2030 – directly and through the donation of seedlings to partners for onward planting.

Here’s how the company’s eco-friendliness contributes to a more sustainable future:

  • Action against climate change – Roofings Group achieves this through their reforestation efforts by producing and donating tree seedlings with targets to reach up to 20 million trees by 2030. 
  • Air pollution – Roofings Group factories are equipped with state-of-the-art waste management systems that not only prevent waste from going into the environment but make it possible to reuse possible hazardous chemicals with systems such as their acid regeneration system.
  • Recyclability – Roofings recycles steel and plastic scrap generated from its factories. It also sources steel scrap only from licensed service providers
  • Energy Efficiency – using state-of-the-art technologies sourced from the world’s leading suppliers, Roofings’ factories are equipped with energy-efficient machinery
  • Sustainable Materials – Roofings strives to source raw materials from environmentally conscious suppliers

For more information about sustainability at Roofings, download their sustainability report here (

Roofings Group TMX rebars. By choosing Roofings' eco-friendly steel products, customers can play a role in creating a more sustainable future.
Roofings Group TMX rebars. By choosing Roofings’ eco-friendly steel products, customers can play a role in creating a more sustainable future.

By choosing Roofings’ eco-friendly steel products, customers can play a role in creating a more sustainable future. With reduced carbon footprint, energy efficiency, recyclability, waste reduction, and the use of sustainable materials, Roofings’ products become a clear choice for those who care about the environment and want to make a positive impact.

If you want to learn more about Roofings’ eco-friendly steel products, visit their website or contact their team on toll-free 0800240100 for more information. Let’s work together to create a more sustainable future!

About the Author

Edwin Abaasa, is the Brand Manager, Roofings Group.