MOVIT’S SIMPSON BIRUNGI― the Ugandan garage-to-manufacturing-giant billionaire with eyes and hands on the African personal care market   At the height of the FM stations in Uganda in the early 2000s, one of the best inventions that came with the wave and trends of the time was the shrewdness that came through the advertising sector. Many of the players in the ad space competed on who had the best ad running on the airwaves. One of the best products was the Movit ad: Kyoka Movit, Kwonka Movit. It was simple, catchy and memorable. This one ad won many listeners over to the brand that Movit was becoming. It is safer though to say that as a company, Movit products were already running a longer distance on their own. The radio ads only amplified the existence of what was already a very good product.

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