Meet the URA brains behind the game-changing EFRIS Solution The Electronic Fiscal Receipting and Invoicing Solution (EFRIS)is a smart business-owned solution introduced by the Uganda Revenue Authority (URA) to manage the issuance of fiscal documents for purposes of real time transmission and authentication of business transaction data; ascertaining accuracy of self-assessment; facilitate pre-filing of tax returns; timely processing of tax refunds and any other purpose necessary for efficient tax administration purposes. According to URA, the system was designed to improve business efficiencies and reduce the cost of compliance. EFRIS offers these benefits in four modules; registration, stock management, fiscal document management and reporting with the main aim of addressing business and tax administration challenges related to business transactions and the issuance of receipts to ultimately improve business efficiencies and reduce the cost of compliance. Here below, we present to you some of the URA staff that have worked tirelessly, from concept development to implementation, to make EFRIS a reality. Even up to today, they are still playing a key role in making the game-changing solution work for all.

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