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As I seek the honour of leading the Uganda Law Society, I am driven by a vision to strengthen the rule of law, empower our members, and ensure that our institution continues to play a pivotal role in the legal landscape. My candidacy is centred around delivering practical solutions to the challenges we face while building on the successes we have achieved thus far. This manifesto outlines my vision for a more inclusive, dynamic, and accountable Uganda Law Society.

  1. Rule of Law and Access to Justice

The rule of law is the cornerstone of any democratic society, and access to justice is its lifeblood. As ULS President, I will work to ensure that the legal profession remains the guardian of these principles. I plan to:

  • Build a sustainable legal aid project that goes beyond short-term interventions and creates a long-lasting framework for providing legal services to the most vulnerable. The goal is to offer continuous support to communities that would otherwise be denied justice due to financial limitations.
  • Develop a long-term pro bono project that aligns lawyers with causes of public interest, ensuring a steady pool of legal professionals dedicated to public service. This initiative will strengthen our society’s ability to intervene where justice is most needed.
  • Forge strategic partnerships with institutions engaged in public interest litigation. By collaborating with both local and international organisations, ULS can take a leading role in tackling critical issues such as human rights violations, environmental justice, and constitutional matters.
  1. Members’ Affairs and Professional Development

The well-being and growth of our members must remain at the heart of ULS’s agenda. I recognise that professional development and personal welfare are interconnected, and I am committed to addressing both:

  • Digitisation of ULS services is crucial for efficiency and transparency. From e-filing systems to the electronic issuance of practice certificates and digital chamber approvals, we will ensure that members have seamless access to essential services.
  • Fully operationalise the ULS SACCO, providing financial support for members ’ ventures and helping them meet personal financial goals, including investment in their legal practices.
  • Expand health insurance options to offer better medical coverage for all ULS members. Lawyers are at the forefront of societal stress, and prioritising their physical and mental health is key to ensuring a vibrant legal profession.
  • Continuous Legal Education (CLE) is not just a requirement but a means of empowering our legal professionals. I propose one free CLE session every month, offering two points per session. This translates to 24 points annually, fostering consistent professional growth.
  • Establish an Institute of Professional Studies, offering specialised courses tailored to modern legal challenges. This initiative will serve as a hub for lifelong learning and ensure our members remain competitive on the regional and global stage.
  • Young lawyer development will be a key focus. The next generation of lawyers needs guidance, mentorship, and opportunities to grow. I will champion initiatives that provide young professionals with platforms for networking, skill development, and leadership training.
  • Organize regional annual conferences to bring ULS closer to its members across the country, ensuring that professional development opportunities are available to all, regardless of their location.
  • Mental health and medical camps will address an often-overlooked issue in the legal profession. Through these camps, we will offer counselling, medical checks, and stress management programs to ensure lawyers’ mental and physical health.
  1. Building Institutional Capacity

A robust and well-managed ULS Secretariat is essential for the society’s long-term sustainability:

  • Strengthen administration and management at the ULS Secretariat by setting up clear structures with oversight mechanisms, to ensure the smooth running of ULS operations. This will lead to better service delivery and member satisfaction.
  • Recruit a resource mobilisation officer dedicated to identifying funding opportunities, including grants and partnerships, to support ULS initiatives. This will reduce over-reliance on member subscriptions and enhance ULS’s ability to execute its strategic plans.
  • Regular staff training will be conducted to ensure that the Secretariat is equipped with the latest skills and knowledge in administration, legal practice, and technology.
  • Strengthen the Public Interest Department to ensure that ULS plays a more active role in advocacy and social justice. This department will be pivotal in addressing societal issues that require legal intervention, from human rights abuses to constitutional reforms.
  1. Judicial Independence and Accountability

The independence of the judiciary is a fundamental pillar of justice, and ensuring this independence is key to maintaining public confidence in the legal system:

  • Establish a Bar-Bench Committee to foster dialogue and cooperation between the judiciary and the legal profession. This will ensure that both institutions are working together to enhance justice delivery.
  • Publish quarterly judicial performance reviews, objectively assessing the judiciary’s operations. This will ensure transparency, accountability, and open dialogue on areas of improvement.
  • Advocate for amendments to the Judicial Service Act, enabling public participation in recruiting judicial officers. This will promote merit-based appointments and help build a more trusted judiciary.
  • Lead anti-corruption campaigns within the judiciary and the wider legal profession.  Corruption undermines the integrity of the legal system, and ULS must be at the forefront of rooting it out.
  1. Creating an All-Inclusive Bar Association

A successful bar association is one that unites all its members, from the most senior to the most junior. I will work to ensure ULS becomes a more inclusive and collaborative body:

  • Build synergies between senior and young lawyers through mentorship programs, professional collaboration opportunities, and forums that allow knowledge sharing and mutual growth.
  • Sign Memoranda of Understanding (MoUs) with local and international legal bodies, facilitating collaboration, exchange programs, and joint initiatives that benefit all ULS members.
  1. ULS Research and Publication

ULS has a critical role to play in legal research and thought leadership. I am committed to enhancing our output in this area:

  • Introduce a Members First newsletter to ensure all members are informed about the latest developments within ULS, including initiatives, opportunities, and legal trends.
  • Publish quarterly rule of law reports, which will assess and provide feedback on the state of the rule of law in Uganda. These reports will keep ULS at the forefront of national discourse on justice.
  • Develop a ULS Case Digest, which will provide concise summaries of important legal decisions. This will be a valuable resource for practitioners and students alike.
  • Expand the ULS Law Journal to promote academic and practical legal scholarship, providing a platform for members to contribute to the body of legal knowledge.
  • Enhance the ULS online library, offering more resources for legal research and practice accessible to all members across the country.
  • Provide research and publication platforms to support law reform initiatives and ensure that the law evolves to meet society’s needs.
  1. Completion of ULS House

The completion of ULS House is a key project that will benefit all members by reducing operational costs and improving service delivery:

  • Reduce annual subscription fees by reallocating funds currently spent on rent and other expenses. Owning our own premises will give us the financial flexibility to lower membership costs.
  • Lower CLE training costs, making it more affordable for all members to continue their legal education.
  • Re-allocate funds previously spent on rent towards other critical areas, such as member welfare, technology investments, and public interest projects.

In conclusion, this manifesto is a roadmap towards a more empowered, professional, and inclusive Uganda Law Society. I believe that through collaboration, transparency, and innovation, we can achieve these goals and uplift both the profession and society at large. Together, we can continue to defend the rule of law, serve our members, and build a more just society.

About the Author

Muhereza Kyamutetera is the Executive Editor of CEO East Africa Magazine. I am a travel enthusiast and the Experiences & Destinations Marketing Manager at EDXTravel. Extremely Ugandaholic. Ask me about #1000Reasons2ExploreUganda and how to Take Your Place In The African Sun.