Protected: UGANDA BREWERIES AT 75 YEARS: The making of one of Uganda’s most respected companies as told by Mark Ocitti, Alvin Mbugua, Marion Muyobo, Jimmy Mugerwa and EABL’S Jane Karuku From humble beginnings, with just one brand- Bell Lager, in 1950, Uganda Breweries has grown to become Uganda’s biggest alcoholic beverages company with the richest brand portfolio consisting of 56 beers, spirits, ready to drink and non-alcoholic products. UBL’s business daily touches over 4 million lives, contributes about 0.4% of Uganda GDP and employs close to 1% of the current workforce and annually pays an average of UGX400 billion in taxes. UBL’s rich portfolio of expertly crafted award-winning spirits and beer brands have won a combined 40 Monde Quality Selection Awards (Gold- 15, Silver-22, Bronze-4) while both Bell Lager and Uganda Waragi have earned the Super Brands status. In 2014, both brands were also recognized by the Private Sector Foundation of Uganda as among Uganda’s Top 52 Brands. Just recently, Uganda Breweries Scooped the Best Brewery and Best Diageo Site in Safety and Wellbeing across Diageo’s 118 countries network. In this roundtable conversation moderated by EABL and UBL Board Director, Jimmy D. Mugerwa, Alvin Mbugua the immediate former Managing Director of Uganda Breweries, Mark Ocitti, his predecessor, and current Managing Director of Diageo’s Serengeti Breweries; Marion Muyobo, the former Head of Marketing, as well as Jane Karuku the Group Managing Director of EABL talk about UBL’s past, present and future- how they built one of Uganda’s most respected and trusted companies.

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About the Author

Muhereza Kyamutetera is the Executive Editor of CEO East Africa Magazine. I am a travel enthusiast and the Experiences & Destinations Marketing Manager at EDXTravel. Extremely Ugandaholic. Ask me about #1000Reasons2ExploreUganda and how to Take Your Place In The African Sun.