Congratulations upon making 20 years. What would you say are the key highlights, achievements and or milestones, for ERA and generally the Electricity Supply Industry (ESI) in these 20 years? ERA’s…
THE STATE OF ELECTRICITY IN UGANDA: From deficit to surplus and the role of the Electricity Regulatory Authority― Q&A with ERA’s Eng. Ziria Tibalwa Waako Over twenty years ago, the Government of Uganda embarked on reforms of its Electricity Supply Industry (ESI). The reforms were focused on liberalizing the sector from monopolistic Uganda Electricity Board (UEB), unbundling it into three separate generation, transmission, and distribution segments. The ultimate objective was to provide adequate, efficient, reliable, and least-cost power supply to meet the country's development demands as well as scale-up rural and peri-urban access to electricity for purposes of accelerating poverty reduction. To oversee the now liberalized sector, the Electricity Regulatory Authority (ERA), was created in 2000. ERA is mandated by the Electricity Act, 1999, to issue licenses with the attendant license terms and conditions for electricity generation, transmission, distribution, sale, import, and export of electricity. In this interview with CEO East Africa’s Muhereza Kyamutetera, Eng. Ziria Tibalwa Waako, ERA’s Chief Executive Officer shares the regulator’s 20-year continuous quest to achieve sustainable electricity supply for the socio-economic transformation of Uganda.