Left-Right: Eugene Willemsen, the PepsiCo CEO of the Africa, Middle East & South Asia (AMESA) region; Dr. Amos Nzeyi, the Crown Beverages Limited Executive Chairman; The Vice President of Uganda, Rtd Major. Jessica Alupo; Paddy Muramiirah, the CBL CEO and former Prime Minister of Uganda, Hon. Ruhakana Rugunda tour the newly commissioned CBL bottling plant. At the back is Major General Jim Muhwezi Katugugu, the Cabinet Minister for National Security and Hon. Mwebesa Francis, Minister of Trade Industry and Cooperatives.
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About the Author

Muhereza Kyamutetera is the Executive Editor of CEO East Africa Magazine. I am a travel enthusiast and the Experiences & Destinations Marketing Manager at EDXTravel. Extremely Ugandaholic. Ask me about #1000Reasons2ExploreUganda and how to Take Your Place In The African Sun.

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