Physical fitness often takes a back seat in a world where high-powered business leaders spend long hours behind desks, juggling tight schedules and critical decisions. However, nestled in the heart...
Uganda Breweries Limited (UBL), under its vast beer portfolio, has launched the “Buckets of Cheer” campaign to mark the festive season, aiming to bring Ugandans together, spread joy, and create...
Johnnie Walker Uganda has launched its 2024 Gifting Campaign, “The Gift of Big Flavor,” with an exclusive opening of its first-ever Gifting Studio at Village Mall in Bugolobi. The studio,...
Acacia Wilderness Lodge is located on a peninsula inside Queen Elizabeth National Park, right next to Mweya Safari Lodge. The resort describes itself somewhat modestly as a bed and breakfast...
During the weekend, soda became pricier than beer at the much-anticipated OBA Fest, thanks to unbeatable discounts offered by Stanbic Bank’s Flexipay platform. For the first time in festival history,...
On Saturday, September 14, Uganda Breweries Ltd (UBL) hosted several industry captains and business moguls as they relaunched the highly anticipated Johnnie Walker Blue Club. The landmark event, held at…
Are you considering hosting a domestic, regional or international meeting/conference/exhibition on the African continent and looking for one of the most beautiful locations on the continent? The Speke Resort Convention…
CEO Magazine looked up the proprietor of the curiously named (to the layperson) fashion brand that has carved a niche for itself as a bridal designer and go-to option for…
In today’s world, environmental consciousness is growing, and industries are actively seeking greener alternatives to traditional materials. Among these alternatives, shingle stone-coated steel emerges as a shining example of an…
Western Uganda is richly ornamented with various tourist attractions— both natural and manmade, often astride each other. One such jewel is Jacana Safari Lodge on the fringes of Imaramagambo Forest…
Many a time people who do not travel tend not to understand people like us who suffer from wanderlust- that strong and insatiable desire to travel. Well, sometimes, we too…
On Saturday, June 24, 2023, the new Rotary Club of Kigo Seven Lakes Golf celebrated its Charter Ceremony at an elegant event held at the prestigious lake-shore Lake Victoria Serena…
Yustus Aribariho doesn’t regard himself as an adrenaline junkie- but away from his busy schedule, as a global banker- he has done some adrenaline-rising stuff. He has jumped out of…
On Friday, 9 December 2022, celebrated businessman Amos Nzeyi hosted peers and industry captains to an exclusive Johnnie Walker Blue Club event held at his new residence in Kigo, on…
After making a fortune in supermarkets and commercial real estate, Ponsiano Ngabirano, the Founder & Chief Executive Officer of Capital Shoppers Supermarkets, has ventured into the hospitality industry. The retail…