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BPO/ITES award opens more opportunities for Service Cops

THE SERVICE COPS EXCO TEAM―standing back row: Patrick Muhumuza-Head of Operations SchoolPay and Osbert Muganga-GM SchoolPay. Standing mid-row: Christopher Kanyerezi-Head of Business Processing; Meronie Kamukama, Marketing; Hasfa Yusuph-Human Resource Manager and Mathias Kamugasho-Managing Director. Front row: Joseph Ndiho, Board Chairman and Charity Atukwatsa-Head of Back Office. Service Cops took the BPO/ITES Company of the Year award in the just-ended E-Government Excellence Awards by NITA-U.

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Service Cops took the BPO/ITES Company of the Year award in the just-ended E-Government Excellence Awards by National Information Technology Authority -Uganda (NITA-U)  The company CEO Mathias Kamugasho talks to CEO about the award, the significance of the BPO/ITES industry to the Ugandan economy and what this sector is all about..’ BPO/ITES is an Acronym, BPO stands for Business

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