20 years later, the firm has blossomed into one of Uganda’s most respected tax law firms, commanding more than 50% of all tax litigation in the country. The firm has…
Birungyi, Barata & Associates At 20 Years: A Q&A with Cephas Birungyi and Enoch Barata on how they built Uganda’s leading tax law firm from scratch This month, on the 10th of November 2023, Birungyi, Barata & Associates, Uganda’s leading tax law firm celebrated 20 years of existence, and in their own words, “20 years of dedicated tax service and legal excellence”. From a chance meeting between the two founders, Cephas Birungyi and a much younger Enoch Barata in 1990 and then another meeting, this time at the Law Development Centre in 2001, a friendship was born and then later in 2003, a business partnership, that became Birungyi, Barata & Associates was cemented.