According to the Tourism Sector Annual Performance Report FY2017/18), 80% of Uganda’s tourist arrivals are from Africa with Rwanda and Kenya sharing 31% and 24% respectively. Outbound tourism from Africa to the rest of the world, has been growing from 9.8 million in 1990 to 42.1million in 2017, according to UNWTO 2018 Tourism Highlights). Again, according to United Nations World Tourism Organisations (UNWTO), the largest majority of international travel takes place within travellers’ own regions (intraregional tourism)- 4 of 5 tourists travel within their own region. As such Africa remains a strategic tourist market for Uganda.
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In the face of high cost of financing especially in Sub-Saharan Africa and the relatively short term nature of commercial bank financing, capital markets become a considerable way of raising growth capital from the vast and growing pools of patient capital that exist regionally and globally- Keith Kalyegira, the CEO of Capital Markets Authority (CMA) writes. However entrepreneurs in need of this expansion capital must be ready to raise their level of compliance with good corporate governance practices as required by prospective investors.
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France, according to the Private Sector Investment Survey Report (PSIS) 2018 by Bank of Uganda, Uganda Bureau of Standards (UBOS) and Uganda Investment Authority (UIA) is among Uganda’s top 10 sources of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI), registering UGX531 billion worth of investments in 2017, up from UGX463 billion in 2016. According to the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) on the basis of FDI stock data through 2017, France continues to be the largest foreign investor in Africa.
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