Many a time people who do not travel tend not to understand people like us who suffer from wanderlust- that strong and insatiable desire to travel.Well, sometimes, we too don’t…
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Looking back, this could be attributed to the relentless effort across the numerous production value chain of Movit from manufacturing to marketing that were both very innovative and aggressive that…
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It was an evening of action-packed testimonies and a powerful presentation. Kampala Serena Hotel was burning with optimism following Dr Robert Burale’s breathtaking talk on personal and career transformation. It…
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The entire decade of the 90s was not any kind to Uganda in matters of health. It was the height of the HIV/AIDS scourge and the many diseases related to…
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In 2017, Vaolah Amumpaire was working as a sales agent for a wheat making company.One of her roles was to increase the distribution network for the company in places where…
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Bashir Semakula is the first Ugandan to summit Mt Everest Base Camp. Together with a group of 15 other mountain climbers, they were able to scale 8,848 metres in a…
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Qn: Whenever you are talking to businesspeople, you speak with a lot of passion, what drives you?RM: At Enterprise Uganda, we work with people in business; those starting and those…
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His name is not new on the legal scene. As a partner of one of Kampala’s top law firms, Kampala Associated Advocates, Elison Karuhanga’s name has dominated headlines not once…
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(This story is an adaptation from a conversation Petua Kateeba and Joseline Kateeba had with Akaego Okoye, for her African Business Stories Podcast) At least 70% of all small businesses…
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Chimpundu Lodge! So Unforgettable.Located at the heart of one of Uganda’s tropical rain forests called Kibale National Park, the lodge sits quietly, but in a loud way, sits amongst some…
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