Q&A with Anthony Natif, the brilliant oncology pharmacist who at 27 years founded, Guardian Health, now Uganda’s largest pharmacy chain worth over USD10 million Anthony Natif is a Ugandan Oncology Pharmacist— a special kind of pharmacist specialising in cancer treatment. He graduated in Pharmacy from Makerere University and got his Master’s Degree in Public Health (Leadership, Policy& Management) from the University of Washington. He received his training at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center in Seattle, Washington and briefly worked at the Seattle Cancer Care Alliance before returning home to take a job at Uganda’s Cancer Institute as the Head of Cancer Pharmacy services as well as Head of Finance and Administration.
Anthony Natif founded Guardian Health in 2012, while in Graduate School at the University of Washington. With the aid of an equity investment by Ascent Capital, the company has now grown to become the largest pharmacy chain with 18 stores in 6 districts and growing.